It's been a wild ride lately! I've had to get a new computer, and it has taken me a while to get used to it. Unfortunately many of the programs I enjoyed using on my old computer couldn't be transferred to my new one so sadly I can't do some of the same things I could before. It's going to take some getting used to! LOL There are some things that are better, so I guess it's 50/50. It's hard for this old dog to get used to new tricks!
I'm finally feeling better, thank you to all of you who expressed their concern. I missed going to Virginia to see the needlework exhibit with some other stitchers, but I would have only slowed them down. Between being sick and having my computer die I wasn't able to answer many emails, so I apologize to those who left comments. Thank you for understanding!
I did get a bit of stitching done. I finished Red White & Blue by the Cricket Collection. I love this pattern and looked for it for quite a while before I found it on sale somewhere. I made it to frame and donate to an auction for Equines for Freedom. This is a program for service men and women suffering from PTSD. There will be a fundraiser in August for this program. It took a while to find all the pieces for framing, but I finally gathered it all together so check back soon, I hope to get it framed in the very near future.
I also worked on this pattern that I have had sitting around for a few years. This is Bunnies Galore by Brittercup Designs. I also picked up a frame for this the other night too. I'll show it again once it's framed.
Next time I hope to show pictures of all the Market Day things I gathered. Hopefully the framing will be done, and I'll have more stitched on my Wednesday projects (WIP Wednesday). I hope everyone is enjoying some spring weather. Our spring flowers all fainted under the snow and cold weather we had...but there are still some signs of life out there in the garden. Let's hope our hyacinths come up ok, I just love the way they smell! Off to get some stitching done....right after I enjoy some Rita's ice cream....I sure did miss them while they were closed for the winter! we are, another week has gone by, and quite honestly, I don't have much to show for it. Hm...I don't know whether to blame the weather, germs, or the frogs who seem to keep making appearances. But I'll explain that later...for now...on with the show!
Thanks to Jo, over at Serendipitous Stitching, we have a lovely challenge going on called Gifted Gorgeousness. If you would like to participate, it's never to late to sign up. You can find the rules here. And if you would like to see what others have been posting, you can see our link-ups here. Thank you, Jo, for all your hard work, and for making the internet such a fun place to be.
First up....the Linens and Threads SAL. You can find these lovely patterns here. I have enjoyed ever stitch, and finding the freedom to chose my own fabric and floss fun. It's interesting to see other people's interpretation, which you can see if you join their facebook group.
Next is Leave a Light On which was a Birthday gift from my husband, which included pattern, fabric and thread. (Yes, I know I'm spoiled!) I try to spend a little time each month on this, so I can finish it up before the year is over. Wish me luck because it's been sadly neglected for a few weeks now.
I finished this piece quite some time ago, but it was for an exchange. I can say it has arrived and I think she liked it. The day I assembled this piece, was a tough day for me. She is graciously overlooking the finishing I think...LOL. At least it looks good from the front anyway. This is a Sue Hillis pattern from Stitches for the Needleworker Vol 3. finished into a flat fold.

This is not a Gifted Gorgeousness...though I do plan to gift the pattern when it's finished. This is my WIP Wednesday piece though...I have enjoyed stitching on this piece, and have already promised it to someone who has expressed a liking for it. It has spurred me on, so this is a good thing, as it's one of my wipocalypse pieces, one I really wanted to finish this year! Here is Renouveau, and I can honestly say it is just a wee bit over half done! It should move quickly now that most of the solid stitching is done. I have to admit, I've struggled with this one lately...and very nearly shelved it for a bit. The frogs have descended in droves while working on this....which is particularly difficult since it's 28 ct. stitched over one thread!! Here are before and after pictures so you can see my progress.

I fell off the bandwagon and visited my LNS for market day, coming home with (ahem) a few items in my shopping basket. I can't help myself, they just jumped in while I wasn't looking! top that off...I signed up for the Mystery SAL over at Passione Ricamo (just in case you are wanting to check it out you can click here)...and since I already had my special bank account at my fingertips, I went ahead and ordered fabric and specialty threads and beads...oh my!! (All I need now are a bazillion DMC skeins). I have taken my card (specifically set aside for my addictions...a little is set aside each month for emergencies of the needlework kind) and frozen it least for a little while now. feels good to have that confession off my chest. Save the 50 lashes, you never know when I'll take another tumble. stitching time has been limited. Poor Ben ended up taking 4 days off work. But that meant that I had to be the nursemaid and entertainer. So...thank heavens for his fire stick and Amazon prime! We did watch a few good movies including Hacksaw Ridge which turned out to be a surprisingly good movie! I love those true to life movies that show courage, heroism, and good old fashioned love for your fellow man. What more could you ask for? Then...the weekend, when the dreaded (whateveritis) struck down Mike. Between taking care of him and spending a lot of time getting ready for what forecasters were calling "The Big Kahuna"....which turned out to be 1 and 1/2 days off for my guys which turned out to be a blessing in disguise which gave Mike time to recover and ended up being only a little inconvenient iciness. We were lucky, we dodged a bullet!! Folks north of us were hit really hard with over 2 feet of snow. Never-the-less...I was busy entertaining my guys. So...that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Wish me better luck for the rest of this week!! The only sad part about that, is that my daffodils wilted, and the blossoms were covered with ice...I hope it doesn't affect the Cherry Blossoms in DC...but I have a baaaaad feeling about that. I'll let you know, they are supposed to be at their peek this weekend. I'll leave you with a few ice pictures...and lots of warm happy stitchy wishes!

BTW...I caught it...whatever it was...yesterday...UGH!! AND, my computer started acting weird...methinks it's time for a new model. Hm...I meant the computer, but it could also apply to me! LOL
It's WIP here is my progress on Renouveau from A Mon Ami Pierre.
It always amazes me how different pictures look in different light. The bottom picture, taken after it got dark outside and under florescent light, is probably more true to the real colors. This is stitched on WDW Meadow Rue 32 ct. over one.
Probably not as much progress as I would have liked, but having another day playing nursemaid to poor Ben, whose cough has gotten really awful. He had to get up at 6 AM to call out of work. The guy who answered just said..."I got you." before he said anything after Hi. He NEVER calls out of work, so they know when he does, he's really sick. So many "bugs" going around right now, I just hope it doesn't turn into something more nasty than what it is. (I also hope I don't get it!!!)
I'm hoping the rest of you had a productive WIP Wednesday!
So...It seems we've been crazy busy since the plane touched down on the tarmac. It's 3 hours different in Las Vegas and I guess we were there long enough to have the jet lag affect us. Silly me made plans for almost every day after we arrived home. Even this weekend we went to a quarter auction, which was my first. It was such a fun evening with Mike, Ben, the lovely Miss K, and some friends of Ben's from work. Our table won a few prizes, much to the disdain of other folks in the hall...I won a fun mug, and a gift card. Ben won some taffy, popcorn, and a few other things, everyone won at the table except Mike. And he even brought Winston! Guess his luck is only good in Vegas! I sent Ben over to get my prize...and this is what he picked out. Not sure if I should laugh....or???
I haven't had much time to stitch...but I was able to stitch a few letters on Renouveau...
And most of the next installment from Linens and Things Mystery Sampler. It doesn't look like it should take much time to stitch these bands, but when it's over one on black, it does take a big chunk!! I've been catching up on When Calls the Heart series on Netflix while I far I've watched 5 episodes...but I'm nearly done now!
The next question, is what will I stitch on next? I've promised the Renouveau pattern to someone, but she graciously gave me 10 years to finish...LOL Good thing as it just might take me that long! Seems the letters are faster to stitch, it's the people in the pattern who take the longest...but as of last week, I consider myself 1/4 of the way done!
I don't remember if I posted that I won a drawing for participating in the Gifted Gorgeousness SAL. Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching has been hosting this and I've enjoyed participating, it's gotten me motivated to finish up some UFO's and BAP's that have been hanging around for far too long. Anyway, while I was gone, she sent me my prize. She said she perused my blog and found out who my favorite designers are, then chose a pattern for me. I have to say, I've had my eye on this pattern for a while. Thanks so much Jo!! It was such a thoughtful thing to do, and I really appreciate it so much!

Last, I forgot to show what my guys were up to in Vegas. There's a new hockey team being formed out there (the Vegas Golden Knights), and they have built a new arena, T-Mobile, so of course we had to go take a look. It's to typically Vegas!! Lots of lights and glitter. They were dying to go inside, but Mike checked all the doors...none were open. Here he is trying to find his way in...I stayed far away, you case they needed bail money or something. LOL
Well, it's been an interesting few case you've been wondering why I haven't updated in a while, and why I've been so busy's because we have been celebrating with our son who turned 21 last year. We asked if he would like to go somewhere for his Birthday, and he chose Las Vegas, Nevada. Because it's so hot there, we decided we would go when the weather was a lot cooler! The last time we were there, it was before he was born...and my oh my how things have changed! So we saved all our spare change for over a year, and divided it up between the three of us and that is what we used for "fun money" to use any way we wanted. I haven't had time to stitch while we were gone, and even before I left, so no stitching to show here, but I'm going to post a few pictures of our trip.
First off, the Birthday Boy...he loved that there are no open container laws in Vegas...and had to try some of the local brews from Las Vegas.
You can't visit Las Vegas without having your picture taken next to the famous sign...
Las Vegas is an interesting place...and I jokingly told my husband that we visited several places (Paris, Venice, New York City, Rome, England, Egypt, Ireland, Camelot, and even the bottom of the sea) and we didn't even need a passport! LOL
We got to taste some Coke products from around the world too! This a fun experience, but one I probably won't repeat...I think I liked the Smart Watermelon from China was my favorite.
I did happen to see one place I thought might keep me there the rest of my life....who wouldn't like a giant Statue of Liberty made up of chocolate or Twizlers for their very own? Yes, I think I could live at Chocolate World the rest of my days!
There are so many amazing places to eat, too! We found a wonderful place for pizza at the New York Pizzeria in New York, New York casino and Chicago style deep dish pizza at Giordano's just outside Bally's Casino.
We found the best Fish and Chips at Gordon Ramsey's Fish and Chips outside the Linq Casino!
We had a lovely Irish dinner at Hennessey's Tavern down on Freemont Street,
and the BEST pretzel balls with cheese fondue at the Culinary Dropout at the Hard Rock Casino.
We learned about a place called Freemont Street from an Uber driver who told us the best casinos to visit there and about the "Freemont Experience" show where they have a video under the canopy set to music. You can also take the zip line, and though I told my husband he should go, he vehemently declined.
We loved the old part of downtown with all their famous signs. It was worth the trip down there to see them lit up at night.
That is where we found Hennessey's Tavern...and learned about the Heart Attack Cafe (we didn't actually eat there, but just HAD to take pictures!) The food there is cooked in lard, all the customers had to wear hospital gowns, and if you didn't finish your dinner, the nurses (waitresses) would spank you before you left. LOL!!
We also found the Toy Shack. We watch Pawn Stars which is a TV show about a Pawn Shop near Freemont Street and when someone comes into their shop with unusual items, they call in experts. The owner of the Toy Shack is frequently featured on the show, and he happened to be in the shop the day we were there, and he graciously posed for a picture. I took a picture of the Pawn Shop featured on Pawn Stars as we flew by in the Uber, so I didn't get the whole sign...
We made a side trip to Hoover Dam and took a tour of the Powerhouse there. Sadly they have been experiencing a drought, and where you see white along the walls of the canyon is where the water once ran. I hope they get some needed rain soon!
We saw a few shows while we were there...
First off was MindFreak with Criss Angel, a Goth style magician. Ben and I used to watch him all the time on A&E and talked for years about going to see him. He didn't disappoint!! We got to talking with the usher for our section (at first we were seated in the very last row in the theater) and talked about her family, Cirque du Soleil who sponsors Criss, and how long we've waited to see his show. She disappeared for a bit, then came back and told us they reserve seats for special guests and would like to upgrade our seats. She moved us down into the theater near the aisle, and when Criss came out into the audience, he ran right by us!! What fun that was!!

Then we went to see Terry Fator. He won America's Got Talent several years back (2007 I think). He is the best ventriloquist I have ever seen. He is so funny...and our favorite act that he did was a puppet of President Trump (search for it on's pretty funny). When we left, we mistakenly let Mike buy some souvenirs, and he left with Winston. He stowed him away but later we found out that Southwest let's puppets fly free. Turns out Winston was a good luck charm at the penny slot machines at the airport!!
The night before we left, we went to see Love. It's a Cirque du Soleil show using all Beatles music. We thoroughly enjoyed the music, and the talented acrobats who performed. It was our second Cirque du Soleil show we have seen and they never disappoint. It's hard to know where to look when there is so much going on on the stage. But it's so much fun to watch!
At one point I almost had the guys convinced they could join Cirque du Soleil!!
We did a lot of day we even walked more than 20,000 steps. Whew!! You can bet we slept well each night after all that exercise! We enjoyed some of the free shows they offer, the erupting volcano outside the Mirage...
The Poseidon show at Caesar's Palace...
And the fountain show outside the Bellagio. I caught a little bit of one of the shows...they were set to music and played every 15 minutes. Unfortunately I can't upload the I'll show some pictures instead...
We spent one night on the Vegas Strip watching the street performers. So many of them are talented, and we happened upon an artist. We stopped to pick up this picture done in colored pencils. I would love to know the back story, but the picture spoke volumes to me.
Mike had to stop and help a starving college least that's his story. He has always liked Wonder Woman...and now he has his picture with her...LOL!! The look on his face is priceless!!
And then...there was this idea how he does this, but ... there he is...he was not sitting on the fence, he was sitting in mid air...
So....these are the highlights...I'll be back to posting stitching again soon. I hesitated to post this but what the heck, someone out there might be interested in a trip to Las Vegas...haha. We did a lot in 6 short days, but as I said before, it was an absolute blast!! I'll leave you with a parting shot at a sunrise...