It's been an interesting month since I last posted for Gifted Gorgeousness. I sure do enjoy this challenge!! Not only am I pulling things out of the mothballs that I've had sitting here for ages, but I'm finding things to stitch for other folks. I realized the other day that whether or not people like what I've made them, I think of them the entire time I'm stitching, more often than not they creep into my prayers, so if I've made anything for you recently, consider yourself prayed over and thought of dearly!
This challenge is organized by Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching and you can see what others have been stitching by visiting this page, or read the rules on this page. From the looks of things you can sign up at any time, so come join the fun! is what I've been gifted with this month...
I took part in an exchange for Stitcher's Day and I received this from Amy. Now you know my real don't spread it around...LOL!! Not only is the front beautifully stitched...
but the back is beautifully finished. I just love it Amy! Thank you so very much!!
I received a few patterns in the mail from winning the drawing at the end of the Gifted Gorgeousness challenge last year. I forgot to take a picture, but I'll get them posted next time. Thanks again, Jo and the generous people who shared their charts with you to gift to us! There are several I'm hoping to stitch up just as soon as I finish my challenges for this year. Is there ever enough time to stitch?
I've decided to stitch a few things for other people. Two of my cousins will be beneficiaries this year. I stitched this for my cousin Dianne,
and this one is going to my other cousin, Susan.
I finished up the letters for Merry Christmas from the Prairie Schooler Christmas Alphabet. I'm still trying to figure out how to attach them to the blocks I have. I'll show pictures once I've decided what to do. Another challenge complete for this year! Woo hoo!
I'm still working on Aurora Cabin, though slowly. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Here is my progress pic.
I finished up another number in the Advent series I'm working on. Still hoping to get two more done this month. Wish me luck!
I also finished up March from the Snowflower Diaries.
I'm still working on that Christmas ornament, it's slow going...
I'll leave you with some flowers we recently found. I wanted it to look Spring like here in my house! Even the orchid Astrid gave me is in bloom. I just love Spring, don't you?
Ever have one of THOSE days? I call it puttering...where I flit from one thing to another not really settling on one thing or finishing anything? So far today I've worked briefly on a puzzle, worked on getting the Sunday School materials ready for the month of March (I know...the first weekend of the month is TOMORROW...I'm not usually a procrastinator, but here I am when I realized I don't have all the activity sheets for one week...ugh!!), sorted threads and fabric for the next three advent calendar pieces, checked e-mail, and then decided my blog needed updating. You want to see what I'm up to, don't you? LOL!! Of course that meant taking pictures and getting them organized. And guess what? It's been about a week since I've worked on my Needlework Casket, and I couldn't find it at first. Maybe I should think about organizing my room instead of my pictures! LOL It's now 3:00 PM and I'm still in my pj's. DH will be home soon and I really need a shower, but my blog really needs updating, don't you think?
Here is how far I've gotten on the Needlework Casket. I still need to do the vine and the bullion knots on the fence. Procrastination at it's finest! LOL
I haven't decided if I should put something in the right front section next to the boy and the cat. It seems kind of empty but I'm unsure what to put there....any ideas?
My, where has the time gone? Wasn't it just February the other day? Well, I guess it IS a short month! I have few things to show you that I accomplished though...
I finished off an exchange piece for my partner in France, Mary. I just received confirmation that she received it today, so here it is all finished up. I made it into a flat fold, but it wasn't what I had envisioned. She said she likes it, and I sincerely hope she does, but I'm a little disappointed...I know it needed something but I just couldn't figure it out. I do love the pattern though, it's called Stitcher's Apron and it's by Sue Hillis Designs. I just love all the little things a stitcher would need, the floss, the scissors, pincushion and strawberry, glasses, fabric, hoops and scroll rods along with the pattern, and the little frog hanging out of her pocket. LOL I hope I didn't send the frogs to you, Mary, but I'll have to admit, I frogged quite a bit on this little item, and it wasn't easy to frog as it was stitched on 54 count (over two)!

I finished an Advent number into a little hanging ornament. You can find her patterns here. I know it needs something so I may take it apart and do something a little different when I figure out what it needs. I know it needs trim around the edges, but what? I'm so bad at finishing...
I finished stitching another Advent number, this one makes 6 that I have finished. I had set a goal of 2 a month, but so far I've stitched three each month! I hope I can keep it up!
I finished March from the Snowflower Diaries. You can find her patterns here. Just in time too, I guess, she just announced that the next one is coming out next week! I love these little guys, I just need to figure out how to finish it. There I go again...ugh...finishing is the bane of my existence!
I've decided to start a SAL being offered in one of the yahoo groups I belong to. I haven't settled on the fabric yet, but the first section is already of these days I might just catch up with my bad self...till then I'll be in my room, puttering...