Happy Monday everyone! My Mom always said, so goes Monday, so goes the week! So far today is looking pretty good, so I'm anticipating a wonderful week!
So...what did I stitch for Gifted Gorgeousness this month? Well...it all started about a month ago when I was in St. Michaels. We have a box each year of patterns we are willing to part with. We each go through the box and pick things we'd like to stitch and take the pattern home. One of the ladies put a patten in the box she would have liked to have, but didn't want to stitch, as it was stitched on 36 count Weeks Dye Works fabric over one thread. It was so HER...if you know what I mean...so I told her I would stitch it for her, (because let's face it, I LOVE stitching over one...and well...I could tell she REALLY wanted it) but she would have to finish it. Hopefully, she'll send a picture once she has stitched it...Anyway...I stitched it for her, then gave her back all the materials. As far as I know she hasn't finished it yet, but here is the stitched part...
And what it will look like when she's finished...
She mentioned she might use tiny buttons for the eyes, we'll see how she finishes it.
So...I don't know if the next couple of things will qualify as well, but I finished up this Gitta Design my husband bought for me last September while we were in Alaska on our "Anniversary Cruise" to celebrate our 30th anniversary. I thought this was just so cute!! I started out stitching with DMC (converted from Anchor the pattern called for) but didn't like the colors...so frogged quite a bit. I went up to my LNS and was helped to pick colors that matched the picture of the pattern a little better. It was my first attempt at looking for colors along the same color scheme and I am thrilled with the results. The more I stitch, I find the more I'm enjoying experimenting with colors and things. I am pretty excited to show you this finish...It is stitched on 40ct over two with one strand of floss.

Last, but not least, is the June pattern from the Garden Journal Series by Garden Samplings. For some reason, the fabric was a challenge to stitch on for me, not sure why...stitching over one is hard without a hoop but even more challenging with really pliant fabric! But...I like how it turned out...so I guess that's the main thing.
And that...as they say...is that! I'm heading off the computer as we are about to get a storm I think. It's very still outside, and quite dark even though it's almost noon. Batten down the hatches, I say. Stay safe out there, I hear there are quite a few storms on the way in different areas of the planet! Till next time...happy stitching!
During my last post, as I took pictures of the lovely biscornu that Roz sent and carefully put it on display in my china cabinet, I thought...wouldn't it be fun to post some pictures of the lovely gifts and exchanges my friends and exchange partners have sent over the years? I keep them all near where I spend a lot of time, and it reminds me of those I've met online over the years. Those I know who are going through trials, I pray for them as I am reminded of them. I'm one of those crazy people who collects friends along the way, and very rarely do I let them forget me...hahaha.
So...here they are...
My friend, Sonya, stitched this peacemaker piece for a birthday one year. And of course, Roz's biscornu...
The teacup pincushion was also stitched by Sonya, I wish the picture showed how small and delicate this cup is, and she knew my favorite "thing" is violets.
The DJ pillow was a gift from the lovely Miss Mouse, again people seem to know my favorite color is purple...haha I love the way she finishes things...
This too shall pass was from a fellow Sister in the Lord from Alabama. She and I shared a cancer journey at the same time. Mine through breast cancer, hers through her husbands cancer. She always seemed to know when to send an email, card, or gift at the exact moment I needed encouragement. Her friendship is a blessing to me, a true gift from God, and one day I hope to meet her face to face.
This beauty was from Frances from Friendly Stitchers. It has to be my favorite biscornu of all time!!
These two pillows are from Gillie. I love the way she personalized them, you can't see from the spring pillow, but it's personalized on the back...and the alphabet has my initials in a different color...she is so creative!
Meari finished the stitcher's heart. I was so lucky to be her partner in that exchange. It is beautifully stitched and finished....the humbug was a gift from a St. Michaels weekend and included two counting pins. I keep it handy, you never know when you need counting pins!! And the bag of marbles was from Mouse...she heard I had lost mine, and was kind enough to return them....thoughtful, right? I keep my eye on them there, I hope I never lose my marbles again!!
This humbug was another gift from Mouse. She is always sending something fun!
This was stitched by my friend Sonya. I wish you could see in person how beautifully this is stitched and finished. She and I also share a faith in our Lord, and I'm lucky to have her in my life.
You may be wondering why I have so many violets. My Grandmother's name was Violet. She taught me to stitch, crochet and many other things. I didn't see her often, but she had a profound impact on my life and considering I was almost named after her, we had a special bond. I have a picture of her when she was 16, and my son always thought it was a picture of me....I looked so much like her when she was younger. She loved violets...and when I joined a sorority in my college days, their flower was the violet. For some reason, they just keep popping up in my life. One of my prized items in my cabinet is a cup with violets on it that was hers. For the longest time it was the only thing I had that had been hers.
So there you have it! There are other stitched items floating around here, but that's all that's in my china cabinet. I hope I didn't bore you with my tour. See you in a couple of days for the gifted gorgeousness post!
Oh yeah...I remember now...I was going to write about our annual trip to St. Michaels...but then, well...life got in the way!! Gee, I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I last posted. Well, I have been kinda busy....
So, would you like to see what folks were working on during our annual retreat?
These little characters were needlepoint pieces that were finished off as these adorable little decorations. I think if you click on the picture you'll see a bit bigger picture so you can see them better.
And here is a picture of all of us. It was great to see our friend, Ms. P, who we don't get to see too often. It was a great weekend, full of laughter and stitching, what a great combination!!
I've been stitching here and there, it's been kind of hit and miss. I did take a week long trip to go visit my Mom in New York. I didn't get much stitching done there. She kept me hopping!!
Once I got back, we had another stitch day with the lovely Ms. Astrid. I actually stayed with her for a couple of days. I think her ultimate goal was to give me a break (she knows how busy I've been and how tired I am) and I was able to finish this needlepoint piece I started a while ago. It was such a joy to stitch, and though I'm happy for a finish, I'll miss stitching on it!
I finished another of the Garden Journal Series on the last day of May.
I put a few stitches in Aurora Cabin, but I feel I'm falling terribly far behind if I'm going to finish before the year is out.
I finished the Little House piece I was doing that included three of the Hometown Series she was designing. I thought this came out so cute!!
Here are the biscornus from the exchange I signed up for. Roz made the first one shown here. She knew I loved the color purple...isn't it just lovely? And below the two pictures of the one she made me, is the top of the one I made for her.
I've been stitching some on a Round Robin I'm getting ready to start in September. I'vve done the border and the first of the series. This is a quick stitch and I hope the other ladies in the group will enjoy stitching on it!
I've also finished stitching my part on another RR I'm participating in right now. I stitched February, first because it was my Grandmother's birth month (and she is the one who taught me to stitch) and also because I love the color purple.
I should be posting in a week or so for the gifted gorgeousness (I have stitched my piece for this already, but will wait till the 15th to post) so I'll see you back here then! Happy Stitching!