It's been a crazy week here at DJ's Digs...I swear I don't have time for a job even if I really wanted one! Today is the first day in a long while I was able to sleep in, relax and kind of take stock of what I've done (or haven't done) and whether or not I've met some of my goals.
Monday was a holiday which were invited to a friends for dinner, such fun, Tuesday was a trip into Baltimore for an appointment at Johns Hopkins (I'm fine...just an annual appointment), Wednesday my husband, his co-workers and I volunteered a few hours at the Maryland Food Bank...great experience, and great fun, then off to visit someone in the hospital. Today is Bible Study and game night, which is always a lot of fun. Don't tell anyone, but I'm slacking off on Friday. I need a day to unwind for the long busy days I've been having!! My knee will thank me later...LOL So am I excused for not getting much stitching done?
I'm a day late for the TUSAL but here is a picture of my threads for the past few weeks. It's hard to get a good picture in this container, but I think you can see some of the shiny fibers I've been using lately!! I realized, too, that when you are using more than one strand in your stitching, the threads mount up more quickly...I may have to rethink my stitching *wink* It sure makes it look like I've got a lot more stitching done than I have!!
There are some new parts out for my SAL's but I just haven't had time to work on most of them. I have finished most of part 3 in the By The Bay Needleart SAL being offered here, on her blog. I'm just waiting for the embellishments as she calls them...can't wait!!
There is a new part out for the Marquoir Francoise found here, and it's in my pile to do...soon...just not sure when I'll get to that one. LOL
I had hoped to get two Christmas ornaments done a month...please, hold the laughter until I've confessed all my shortcomings...and now that it's the end of May, I'm finally TRYING to fulfill my goal. This is a little Mill Hill kit, a little rocking horse, but as you can see, it's coming along very slowly...and in order to catch up, I would have to stitch four before you think that's possible?

Well it might be, if I weren't so taken with this little beauty. I am gobsmacked over this one!! (How's that for a little British colloquialism?) I think I'm going over to the dark side...using canvas and the threads associated with it is kind of expensive, but I couldn't resist this when I saw it on Facebook, I had to have the pattern, and then I had to stitch it. I'm enjoying this so much, the crazy stitches, the wonderful fibers, and the lovely effect. The colors, and this picture just doesn't do it justice, are phenomenal in this piece. I will say I can't tell you how many times I've had to frog, reread instructions, and take painstaking care with each stitch...but it's truly a labor of love!!

And on that note, I'm off to really try to get some Christmas stitching done. I need to catch up with this month and last month before I'm into June...June??? Where has this year gone?? June, the month when my son turns another year older, and so does my Mom, and my son is off on another missions adventure, and the raffle I'm having for a team for our church headed to Kenya to build a well (you can read more of that on my other blog, Grace Notes, found here) which winds down with a night of worship and prayer for the team, and the week my husband told me to keep free...for what??? I have no idea, but when he tells me that, it's usually something really fun.
Hi folks!!
I noticed on Facebook this morning that Sunflower diaries is having a give I thought I would help spread the news. She has had the cutest freebies, and is now selling her designs in Etsy. Why not fly on over there and have a look-see? You can reach her blog by clicking here or on the picture below. Thank you, Maja, for this wonderful opportunity!! Good luck!
Hi folks!
I know, I've been all over the place lately and craving some relaxing stitching time...sometimes I wonder where my time goes...
It's been a busy few weeks, not sure exactly why, but I haven't had much time to stitch. The past few days my needle has been flying finally, and I have some progress to show you!
You saw pictures of my last post where I fell off the stash diet wagon, HARD!! Well, those new purchases were just calling loudly, until I threw caution to the wind and started Royal Garden by DebBee's designs. HOURS I spent on this silly thing....but oh were they worth it!! I'm loving this!! I have to wait now for a few more fibers to come, I bought some to "exchange" but decided I didn't like them after I got home, so ordered the ones I couldn't get from my LNS. I hope they get here's what I've done so far. I hope the 3D effect shows up!!
I caught up with my SAL from Au Point de Croix
And my Marquoir de Francoise SAL from
I had another attack of startitis when I saw the new SAL from By the Bay needleart. I'm such a sucker for SAL's!! Here's most of part one.
I've also made 24 crocheted crosses for a Baptism coming up in June. I hope I'm really far ahead...LOL One never knows though!! I've decided to crochet a special one that will travel to Kenya with the team. I want to go so badly, but can't at this a little piece of me will be going anyway. What color should I use? Any suggestions?
I really should be stitching on something that has been a WIP for a long time instead of starting something new...and cleaning my house...and getting a job...but giving in to my startitis is so much more fun!
I leave you with a picture of poor Tom...who just shakes his head at my insanity. *Hugs*
Oh most definitely the chain, off the hook, off the my rocker for sure!! And I'm blaming it on Gillie!!! LOL
This has been the most amazing week...full of nice surprises, wonderful visits, a little stash enhancement, and with Friday came the CRASH!! I'm pouring out buckets trying to prevent the burn...
Where do I start?
Well, let's back up to St Michaels. I forgot to post pictures of the tiny round robin I organized for our fearless leader. Each year Debbie organizes our retreat down by the river. We look forward to it so much each year (I'm already counting the days till next year!!) Four of us chose to participate, so after New Years it began it's trek around the friends. It's hard to see the final piece all together, but here it is finished. It ended with me and I ran around at the 11th hour finding bits and bobs to make it stand out from most humbugs. I thought it came out really cute!! Thanks again, Debbie, for a wonderful retreat!!

Two weeks ago I decided to organize a raffle to raise funds for a team from our church who will be traveling to a village in Kenya to dig a well so children there won't have to walk 2 hours one way to get water. They are spending so much time walking for water, they aren't able to attend school. Our church will be partnering with the village for 5 years, providing the well, and buildings until they are able to sustain themselves. I am not physically able to go, and those going have been asking for donations. Since I'm not working, I decided to cross stitch two items, frame them, and offer them up for donations to be raffled. I went to the frame shop I used to work in and they generously donated the frames. I'm thrilled to be able to support the team! Here are (REALLY BAD) pictures of the items that are being raffled.

Gillie was in the area this week and very kindly made room in her schedule to visit with me. Of course we had to have lunch at our now favorite lunch spot...Peace a Pizza! Marsha made an appearance, naughty bunny, and covered up my (not so lovely) face! Astrid accused me of snorting the bunny...but HONESTLY Girlfriend...I don't swing that way!! LOL And before Gillie snitches on me, I have a confession to make...My name is DJ, and I run yellow lights. *Hanging head in shame*

Since we were in the area of my LNS, The Stitching Post, of course Gillie twisted my arm to drop in for a quick trip around the store. As I was wandering around, I found a pattern that I have been eying for quite some time. I saw it on Facebook first, pinned it on Pinterest, and have been thinking about it for a while now. As I was wondering, it jumped off the rack into my hands. Leafing through the booklet....yes, it has a BOOKLET!!...I wondered about my ability to stitch this needlepoint...and of course Debbie (remember her from the humbug above???) stroked my ego and encouraged me saying of course I could stitch it. There was a sale going on...and so...before I knew it I fell off the stash diet wagon and bought half the materials to make it. I'm just waiting for a few seconds to get materials together and get started on it. It's all Gillie's fault...she dragged me, kicking and screaming I might add, in there!!
While I was standing at the check out, I happened to notice some models on the wall behind the desk. NOOOOOOOOOOO...well I don't feel quite so bad, as Gillie bought the same ones! LOL!! Yes...I guess it was a mutual BIF (bad influence friend) moment. Here is the scene of the crime.....
and the booklet that started it all...
Have I been getting any stitching done? Nope... Why? Because I was insanely trying to get those two raffle pieces stitched, and then learned there were Baptisms being planned (I crochet crosses as gifts to those being Baptized) so I have been crocheting these crosses...all 24 of them!!! I'll have to show you pictures next time, my computer won't read the card at the moment!! is Friday, the day I hoped to just relax and stitch and just contemplate my navel. That did not phone has been ringing off the wall...and none of the news is good. So...with my brain full of trying to get things ready for the raffle tomorrow, and people near and dear in need of prayer, I thought I would update my blog and rest my brain for a bit. Hopefully tomorrow I can get some stitching done. Wish me luck!! And for those of you who are on my mind and in my heart, I just want you to know you are being prayed for and healing thoughts are being sent your way. I love you dearly!!
It's Mother's Day here in the states...and my guys have once again totally spoiled me. It's so nice to know all those hours of labor, years of sharing my wisdom and knowledge, and the unconditional love haven't gone to waste...LOL!!
I'd like to say thank you to my Mom for all she's done for me over the years too! I'm thankful she's still here as it's been an interesting year with all the excitement. Love you Mom!!
It's been a crazy week. I've been stitching like crazy for a few different reasons. First off, I decided to stitch a couple of things, frame them, and offer them up as a fund raiser for a team of people from our church headed to Kenya this summer to help build a well and partner with a village there for the next 5 years. I've finished one..."Spread the love of God" by Lizzie Kate, I just need to get it framed.
I'm still working on "Hands to work, Hearts to God" by Little House Needleworks.
If you would like to win either of these stitched pieces, I will announce how you can go about that in my next post once they are framed.
I also received and stitched on this project for Frances in Great Britain. For the past year I've been involved in a Round Robin. There were 8 of us participating. We found individual patterns, gathered the fabric and thread, and then began sending them around to the other participants. This is the last one (besides my own) that I've had to stitch on, and I've enjoyed every moment. My seahorse is the last one in the line on this piece.
One person is left to stitch on my RR. It was returned to me this week, but they skipped Gillie. If all goes well I'll pass mine to Gillie this week so she can put her stitches in. Then I will have some left to do before I can get it framed. I've loved being a part of this group...and hope I'm invited to participate in the next one (I need to get my thinking cap on for the next one!!). Here is what mine looks like so far...
I forgot to add a picture from my St. Michaels trip...We each contribute to a "goodie bag" that we get to take home with us. Here are a few things that were in mine...
Still thinking about that weekend, it's always so much fun...and so much fun to look forward to next year, too! Off to enjoy the rest of the day with my guys. Happy Stitching!
And just like's over. We added an extra day to the weekend and there still wasn't enough time for all the laughs, stitching and good natured fun. Driving home across the Bay Bridge I always feel a little lull settle in. I noticed that even our conversation seemed to lag. And the motto of our weekend has always been..."What happens at St. Michaels, stays in St. Michaels". I don't think our families would understand our silliness anyway, and I guess that's what makes the weekend so much fun for us.
The weekend started early with a free concert Astrid was able to snag tickets to...this was a CD release party Shine FM was throwing for Kristian Stanfill. There were very few of us in attendance, so we got to meet Kristian, got our pictures with him and he autographed a free CD for us...what fun!!
We left on Thursday this year to give ourselves a four day weekend! There were fewer of us this year...and it was different but not necessarily in a bad way. Lots of giggling, stitching, and eating going on.
Here are some of the projects people were working on...
And Marsha made a few appearances...
But the scenery can't be wasn't too warm, nor too cold, and no rain so to speak. Absolutely perfect!
I caught up on a couple of stitch-a-longs...this one from Au Point de Croix...
This one from Maryse...
And Quaker Diamonds, I was able to stitch another motif...
And I started Spread the Love of God again, this one is going to be raffled off to raise money for some church members to go on a missions trip to Kenya. If anyone would like to participate in the raffle, please message. I'll show a picture when it's finished and let you know the terms of the raffle. Think about it and check back soon!!
I'll leave you with one of my favorite shots from the weekend...something to look at when I need to go to that inner peaceful place...and I know I'll get a smile on my face thinking of all the fun we had at St. Michaels...