It's about that time...the annual stitch retreat at St. Michaels! I have been getting things ready for a few weeks now, but now that I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm still not packed!! I'm not sure why I'm dragging my feet, unless it's because of this rainy weather. Or the fact that I've had some bad news this week. I've written about that on my other blog, Grace Notes, if you have an inquiring mind. I hope wherever you are, that you are safe and dry. The pictures I see of the storms out west are heartbreaking, and those people are in my thoughts and prayers.
I haven't had much time to stitch much going on so there isn't much to show. I have a couple of pages for my SALs that just came out but I thought I would take those to my stitch weekend (not to mention I was told I couldn't stitch on my Maryse SAL until after the first of May...Gillie needs to catch up...LOL!!) and hopefully catch up then.
I did stitch on Quaker Diamonds but not for long...finishing up another motif and the first page! Here's my progress...
I also stitched a bit on the Au Point de Croix SAL but still have a wee bit to finish. Here is my progress on that...
I worked on In The Meadow a little this week as well. This one seems to be taking forever!
I almost forgot to post my orts picture for the TUSAL. I have done quite a bit of stitching this month!! Just not this week...LOL
It has taken me forever to get this post finished. I've had several interruptions, one being that my son is stranded in a nearby county (he went to youth group at church and was stranded due to flooding). Between finding out what roads were flooded, and phone calls to people, and conversations with my husband I can't seem to keep my thoughts this will have to do for this post! LOL I'm sure the next post will be flooded with pictures and stories of our adventures. Unless I'm forbidden, because words keep echoing in my ears...What happens at St. Michaels, stays at St. Michaels...hee hee! I'll see you when I get back! Till then, happy stitching!
I hope you have had a blessed Easter! I know I did!! I have a new blog called Grace Notes and you can read about my Easter there if you wish!
I just wanted to run a little update by you to let you see what I've been up to.
A new piece of the Au Point de Croix was published last week and as I hope to keep updated on this SAL I printed it off and worked it up in a couple of days. I really love this SAL!!
On Wednesday I didn't have much time, but I managed to finish up a small motif on this sampler. Quaker Diamonds is challenging for me...I'm stitching it over one an a not too even weave fabric and it's 32 count to boot! I will love it when I'm done!!
I was working on Sheep in the Meadow today when I realized the picture I'm trying to "copy" changed the pattern up a bit. So...unless I frog...a lot...that was stitched over one...I will have to change my strategy. I've decided to put this up for just a bit until I figure out what I want to do. Here is what I've accomplished so far...
And the men in white coats...I've decided to start another SAL. This is called Marquoir de Francoise. I love the colors in this one, the little motifs are so sweet. I love how she only puts out a small piece, so you can stitch it in a short time. So far I've stitched the first two portions. You can find the patterns here.
That's all the news for now! Have a great evening!
It just seems that I've been running like crazy since I got back from New York in February...trying to catch up. I'm behind in my stitch a longs, behind in house cleaning, behind in Bible studies, and behind in my New Years promises to myself. We have a partial season ticket plan to the Orioles and though we've had two games from our plan already, I haven't attended any games yet. I'm afraid to make any plans because things seem to keep getting in the way...LOL!!
However...I did catch up on two SAL's this week. That doesn't mean I'll stay caught up...but for right now, it feels pretty good! AND...I even had a finish this past week as well! Yay me!!
I was able to finish Spread the Love by Lizzie Kate. She has some wonderful sayings! I think this is one of my favorites though...don't you just love the little buttons!?!?
Gillie very kindly signed me up for this SAL by Maryse. I was behind in getting the patterns and by the time I got them, they were on part four. I've been stitching like crazy to catch up in this one...and here they are....all four parts! I'm LOVING this stitch!! I'm using the recommended DMC floss and stitching it on vintage light examplar 40 count fabric over two. Thanks again Gillie!!
I'm also stitching on this SAL from Au pointe de croix. She is also up to part four...and I was able to catch up on this one this weekend. I'm stitching this on white lugana 28 count over one, and I LOVE the way this is coming out!! I'm using fabric I had laying around and excess floss from a SAL I did a long time ago. I'm feeling pretty good about using up some of my stash!
I had to grab something quick last night and picked up Sheep in the Meadow by Country Cottage Needleworks. I'm stitching this on 32 count over one. I'm hoping to surround this with the sheep virtues by Little House Needlworks. Yes, I'm copying something I saw online!! LOL I didn't get far, but love this pattern so much!!
I started the mystery SAL from Passione Ricamo, then re-read the directions before the second part came out and realized I was supposed to be stitching using one strand of floss. Ooops!! So I hemmed and hawed trying to decide what to do. I asked around...then decided I wouldn't have enough floss if I kept using two strands so I'm going to frog and restart. I haven't had time to do that yet, but will get to it soon (I hope). The second part has been sent, and's going to be pretty neat I I need to get moving!!
I came across another SAL. I checked, and I have know...glutton for punishment...I went out over the weekend and bought the floss for this one. It's so pretty I just couldn't pass it up. If all goes well I may get this one started today. There are only two pieces out so far so I don't think it will be too hard to catch up. Here is Marquoir de Francoise offered here on Tresors de boites a couture.
I was partaking in a local round robin. I can't show much of it yet, but will be able to show pictures in a few weeks after I've given it away. It is a thank you gift for someone from a group of ladies, and after stitching they sent it to me to finish up. Wish me luck!! It's going to be interesting for me to finish, I have a few ideas, lets see how they work out...
I have a confession...I was supposed to be working on Quaker Diamonds with Gillie as a SAL. We were supposed to stitch on it on Wednesdays, and try to finish one motif a week. I didn't work on it last week. Fifty lashes with a wet noodle!! Sorry Gillie, but hopefully this week I'll put my nose to the grindstone and get another one stitched!
I have another game this week...hoping the weather stays nice, I stay healthy, and everything else works out ok, and I will get to go!! Wish me luck! Even better....wish the Orioles luck..they did great in spring training, but haven't done so well since. Let's GO O's!!
Off to get some stitching done! Maybe a finish of the RR...Till next time...happy stitching!
It's been a week of ups and downs.
UP- I've been getting a LOT of stitching done!
DOWN- I found out I have arthritis in my knee.
UP- I was able to stay home most days this week!
DOWN- Vertigo forced me to cancel a lot of plans. That included missing opening day for the Orioles...a game I already had tickets too. :(
UP- I had medication at home to help combat the dizziness!
DOWN- The medication makes me a little dopey so I've made some mistakes. Can you spell F-R-O-G?
But...sitting quietly rested my knee too, so it has begun to feel ALOT better, and the Dr. said the swelling has gone down quite a bit. Until today (when I foolishly moved around a bit more) things were improving. So I plan to stay quiet the rest of today and tomorrow and hopefully by Monday I'll be back to my normal crazy schedule.
So....what have I been stitching? Well let me show you!!
First off I finally got things worked out and received the patterns for the SAL Maryse is having on her blog. I am really enjoying this stitch!! I am using the recommended DMC floss she listed on her blog and am stitching this on 40 ct over two Light Exampler fabric. I got the first four parts, but was only able to stitch two parts. I'm hoping to catch up before the next part comes out...but we'll see.
Next up is Quaker Diamonds. Gillie and I decided to have our own SAL with this pattern. We agreed to stitch one day a week and try to finish one motif each week. I had a wee bit head start on her and though it looks like I'm going gang busters on this one I know after this week I'll be going a wee bit slower. I'm stitching this with Valdani thread on 32 ct over one. Yep...glutton for punishment...LOL!
I started another SAL this week...I have stitched this designers SALs before. They are usually a mystery, but I have never been disappointed. I was thrilled to realize I had all the floss and fabric already in my possession, and got started one night when I just needed a change of view from the other things I'm stitching. I am stitching this on antique white 28 count over one linen thread using Anchor floss. You can find the patterns for this SAL on this site. Click here. Just click on SAL 2014 on the left side and it will take you to the information page with the patterns. She won't have them up there for long so if you plan to do it, get the patterns before they are gone.

I also started another Mystery SAL last week. For some reason I have always had trouble printing off her patterns, and today I realized to my horror that I had made a HUGE mistake. Part of the directions didn't print out, the part that says the banner of this piece should be stitched with one strand of floss. The fabric count is 32 count and I am stitching it over two linen threads. Who would think it would be stitched with one strand of floss??? So...I really need your opinion. This isn't a very good picture but hopefully you can give me your opinion. I have only stitched two colors, but I've spent probably at least 10 hours on this...should I tear it out and restitch what I've done? Should I finish the castle in two threads and stitch the other motifs with one thread? Or should I just finish the rest in two threads? You can click here to see the picture as it should look and tell me. I could really use your opinion. For now I'm putting it on the back burner until I decide...*sigh*.

I've worked a short time on Spread the Love of God by Lizzie Kate and I'm loving this pattern. If I didn't have all those SALs to catch up on I'm sure I'd have this finished by now!
In fact I would have been farther along if I had remembered to bring my floss with me one day when I was out running an errand and I knew I would have time to stitch. I grabbed everything but the floss for this pattern...WHAT WAS I THINKING??? LOL I happened to have everything to start another
I started In the Meadow even though I didn't get too far, I feel like I accomplished a lot considering I had a lot of counting to do to get to this point. I love this one...I'm stitching it on Scuppernog 40 ct fabric over two (No...NOT one..believe it or not I'm not THAT crazy!!) using the recommended hand dyed threads. I guess this will be my "travel pattern" now...LOL

And I guess that's all the news for now. I'm sure my stitching will slow down beginning soon I'll be getting physical therapy on my knee. I'm looking forward to getting it a little stronger and getting out and going on walks. I truly need to lose weight so if I can get moving soon that will be all the better!! And I promise if the world doesn't stop spinning I'll get that checked out too. I truly am tired of all the doctors appointments, I have some LIVING I want to catch up on!! Okay...I'm off to get more stitching done. Please don't forget to leave a comment and tell me what I should do with the PR SAL. UGH...the thought of frogging all that makes me want to chuck it in a corner!! Thanks!!