Hi there!
Thanks for stopping back again! I've been a busy lady this week, though very little to show for it, but here goes!!
First off is a baby afghan I finished. This was an unusual one, like I've never done before. I do like the way it came out though...what do you think? I wish you could feel how soft this is!!
As soon as I finished this one, I started another. I am on the last round of the border, but I threw in the towel yesterday. The picots are getting to me, there are so many of them. I'll have to find a day when I'm a little more patient. I do love this pattern, even though it seems a bit small.

I started a cross stitch for some girls I know who are into the Disney Princesses. I finished a Snow White many years ago but never got it framed. I found it recently and tried to figure out who to give it to. I decided on this one family, but they have three girls. I found a Sleeping Beauty pattern, but now am searching for a Cinderella pattern. I want it to compliment the other two...and I'm struggling. Does anyone have a Cinderella pattern I could borrow/buy? Next time I post I'll have the Snow White piece and more of this one so you can see what I'm talking about and then let me know where I can find a complimentary pattern. I'm hoping to have these as Christmas gifts so time is of the essence!!

I'm going to start two SALs soon. I have the materials standing by, I just need to find a quiet moment to get started. I'll share where I've found them in case you are interested. One starts tomorrow and can be found on the Plum Street Samplers Blog. It's a mystery, but since I love her patterns I'm sure I'm going to like the results. It's a Christmas theme and named Mary's Sampler. You can find the information here.
The second is already in progress and I think the second part will be coming out soon. Again, I have the materials standing by, but can't seem to find the time to get this started. I love the saying and she has it charted for different languages. You can find this SAL here.
Last, but not least, I keep watching the number of followers I have. I'm almost to 200. If I ever do reach that number, I'm thinking of having a giveaway. I haven't decided what that will be just yet, or how I'll choose the recipient. But if you know of someone who is not a follower just yet, let them know about my giveaway ok? Thanks!
I haven't seen this little guy around lately. Seems someone has been taking care of our little lost "Garfield". I think it's hilarious that he stops by to torment Thomas from time to time.
We seem to get lots of little visitors to DJ's Digs...just check out what is on the outside of my screen this morning. I'm glad I'm on the inside!! I can't tell what he is from the underside, but bugs give me the willies either way!!
This weekend will be a little tense I guess, as the government decides what to do with the budget. My prayer is that they will settle the budget before the first of the fiscal year. Since they are our primary...well only...source of income at the moment, it could get a little dicey around here without paychecks coming in. I worry about our country lately with all that is going on. It makes me want to run for congress or the senate just to knock some sense into the folks in Washington. I'm afraid it would be a losing battle though. Anyway, let's hope they settle things soon. A lot of people in this area depend on government jobs.
I still haven't finished the scissors fobs, but please don't forget to check back in October for the Breast Cancer Awareness giveaway!! The drawing will be sometime around the 18th!
Till next time, happy stitching!
Hi Folks!
I've returned from the North Country...after a much needed time of unplugging and relaxing. Sometimes the world gets a little too hectic for me, and I long for the slow paced uncluttered, unfettered life of "Home". I grew up in a little town in Northern New York, home to 5,000 people (well 4,999 since I left home...LOL) where the nearest movie theater and mall is a 30 minute drive, where the highlight of the week in the summertime is the farmer's market in the village park, where the county fair is held, and where my Mom doesn't have internet so I have to go to the local McDonalds if I want to access it. (I lovingly call it the "black hole"...though I think that ticks my Mom off). In all honestly, I love to visit when I want to escape the fast paced life of Maryland. And no matter where I live...that will always be my ultimate "home".
I chose to go on the spur of the moment, without the guys. I like to make one last trip "north" before the snow flies. There are mountains between here and there, so once it snows in the higher elevations it makes the 8 hour drive a bit tricky. I was hoping to catch the fall foliage at it's peak, but I guess I was a week or two early. I did get to drive up into the Adirondack Park and get some pictures my last full day there. It's my favorite time of year, where caramel apples, apple cider and hot chocolate are the treats of the season...and the forests are bedecked in their finest. I truly love the area, but dislike the huge amounts of snow they get each year. I doubt I will ever live up there permanently again, but it's wonderful to visit!! I enjoyed my visit so much I stayed four days longer than planned! LOL

I was able to reconnect with a few people I haven't seen in a long time. One lady (who I didn't get a picture of but just recently connected with on Facebook I hadn't seen in 35 years!!) met me one day for coffee.
My best friend from grade school, who I've known since we were 7 years old, and I had dinner twice (she survived my cooking one night when I made pasties for her and my Mom) and spent a day at a "Fiddler's Fling". As my Mom said, we giggled together just like we did in high school. It was such a treat to see her, and spend time with her. Thanks, Donna, for spending so much time with me during this visit. We HAVE to do that again soon!! When I visit with my guys they are always too busy to share me with anyone...so we took full advantage. Here we are together...and a few pictures of the "Fling" we attended. I was truly impressed with this band, as they played and sang, called square dances and entertained us.
I HAD to take pictures of this guy...only in the North Country would you find someone like this character. He confused the set of square dancers he was dancing with, but was clearly having the best time, dancing with any lady who would say yes!
I also connected with a former college floor mate of mine and her husband when we had lunch with them at the Depot Cafe. I think my college days were the best of my life, and hanging with my friends from that time bring back such fond memories. Not only was the conversation fun, but so was the atmosphere of this little cafe. And the food was phenomenal!! Thanks Teresa and Guy for the wonderful lunch and conversation!
As I said before I made a flying trip to the Adirondacks to take a few leaf pictures. We stopped in Wanakena, where my Great Aunt used to live. It was always a magical place for me, deep in the woods along the shore of Cranberry Lake. This little cabin along the shoreline would be a dream property of mine! I would love to live right there!! There is a Ranger School there, and just celebrated 100 years last year.
I only wish I had taken a few videos of these rivers we crossed. I love the sound of the rushing water, and the feel of the crisp clean air. Just thinking about it is making me "homesick". I truly love the beauty of the "Forever Wild Adirondack Park."
Now you're probably wondering if I got any stitching done? The answer to that is YES!! I started and finished stitching three giveaways for Breast Cancer Awareness month. I am hoping to finish them into scissor fobs this coming week and they will be up early next month for you to sign up for the drawing. I can't decide just how to finish them yet but I've still got a week.
I finished a little bit of the birds, I thought I had a frame for them, but it appears they won't quite fit. I'll have t think of something else to do with these little guys. This was stitched on 40 count over one.
I started and finished this little kit for a necklace. I'm not quite sure how it's supposed to go together as there are no directions. I'll have to figure that out one of these days, but here's what I have so far. This was stitched on 40 count over two.
I also started this Cmon Monde pattern called Frimas. You can find a picture of the finished project here. I've been stitching it on 32 count over one. I think the color is pewter, but don't quote me on that...LOL. I'm half done, and hope to finish in the next few days. I wanted a smaller projects to work on while at Mom's, as there isn't a lot of room to work on the larger projects. I nearly finished everything I took...for once I didn't over pack cross stitch projects!! LOL!!
Last, is a picture of the baby afghan I've been working on. I have never quite seen an edging like this one. It's been slow going because I've never done a finish like this and have had to really concentrate on it. I hope it looks ok as it is a gift for someone. I see some "blocking" in my future as it doesn't seem to want to lay flat. Hopefully I will finish it sometime this week!
Ooops, I nearly forgot to let you know about the free SAL on Plum Street Samplers blog. I'm hoping to get my supplies together and stitch this along with the others. Here is the information! Have fun! I love Paulette's Designs!
Hopefully next week I'll be back working on those crazies from last year. This year is winding down and I still haven't finished too many that I started a year ago January. I truly need to get my buns in gear. I hope I haven't bored you with too many details of my trip...but I must say, for a spur of the moment trip from the hip, I had a wonderful time and truly hated to leave. See you again soon with my giveaways!! Keep watching!
Hi folks!
Just a quickie here as I'm packing my bags and getting ready to head north to visit my Mom before the snow flies. I just wanted to post my latest finish before I finish packing. Here is The Three Wise Men by Blackberry Lane Designs. I wanted to finish this before I leave...so stayed up until 2 AM, but it was worth it! Now if I behave myself I might be able to finish this before Christmas! What is really thrilling to me is that it was another of the crazies from 2012!!
I posted the traveling pattern today, so Lany, keep your eyes peeled, it is on it's way to you!
I'm taking some stitching with me as I'm hoping to start a project as a giveaway next month for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I'm not sure what all I will have, so keep checking back. I'll probably have the giveaway near my birthday on the 18th.
Traveling mercies would be appreciated. It's a long drive and I'm traveling by myself. See you when I get back!
Hi there!
Have you all been on pins and needles waiting to see who won the Traveling Pattern? Well you can all take a huge breath! The winner is... (drum roll please)...lanybleu!!! If you would please email your address to me at tickledpinkone@yahoo.co.uk I will get that in the mail shortly!! Thank you to the rest of you who participated. Please remember the rules, you must stitch this up quickly and send it on to the next person. The person you pick must have a blog. It has been such a pleasure to participate and I hope you will enjoy stitching this as much as I have!
Please keep watching this space. October is coming up and I will be having a giveaway next month. Not only is it my birth month, it's breast cancer awareness month, and you know how near and dear it is to me to get the word out. I'm glad I reminded myself, as I have to get something stitched!!
Lastly, before I head out the door, I just wanted to post an updated picture of The Three Wise Men I've been stitching. I haven't had much time this week, but hopefully tomorrow I'll have some time to make progress. I can't wait to see this finished!
Hope you are having a good weekend. Happy stitching!!
It's been a busy week, or so...whenever the guys are home for any length of time, it gets busy here at DJ's Digs. I don't remember doing anything, so to speak, but they seem to keep me busy. We did have dinner at a friend's house on Labor Day, and we did spend some time at The Green Turtle signing up for Fantasy Football. There is no money involved with that, it's just for fun with the folks at our church, but, my oh my, do they take their football seriously. We aren't real football fans, just like to have the fellowship. What's the name of our football team? "What's a Football" and that in itself tells the story! LOL
Now...on to the fun stuff!! Let's see...I spent yesterday with the lovely Ms. M. She accompanied me to one of my many doctors appointments. The good news is my blood pressure is stabilized, so I'm off one of my meds for good as long as things stay stable. YAY ME!! Afterward we made our way to Hobby Lobby where I purchased some yarn. There are a couple of ladies at our church who will be having babies soon so I've decided to make a few afghans in case I'm invited to either of their showers. I got started on one of them yesterday. Here's my progress so far. Those pichots are giving me fits, but so far so good I think.
I've been working on older crazies from last year. Here is my progress on The Three Wise Men from Blackberry Lane designs. I have been stitching this on 40 count over one, full cross stitches...and yes it's driving my eyes buggy!! LOL Insanity here I come!!
In case you haven't seen the pattern, here is a picture of the model.
And last, but definitely not least, here is what's been cooking in the kitchen. Now I can't take credit for these babies, as my husband is the master at making these. They are constantly in demand from friends and coworkers for decades! They aren't perfectly made like some you've seen, but they are our version and they are scrumptious!! They are called buckeye balls, made with peanut butter, rice krispies, confectioners sugar, butter and dipped in semi sweet chocolate.
And on that note I'll bid you a fond farewell. Heading out to my LNS shortly to spend a gift certificate I got for my anniversary from my biggest fan...dear hubby! Hope you have a great day! *Hugs*