“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here." Mark 16:6 NIV
Hello out there! It's been a wild and whacky week, but here we are getting ready to celebrate Easter, and we had our first significant snowfall just this past week. *Shaking head* What has gotten into our weather, anyway??
I couldn't resist taking a few pictures to show back home before it was able to melt away into oblivion again. We sure could use a little more precipitation, but not in the frozen white form thank you! We fuss, close schools, and have a frolic in the snow, but back where I was born, this is nothing to get excited about. It was, however, the first real batch of snow my son had to drive in. It was the school spring break, but with his internship he was still obligated to go to work. Thankfully the roads stayed pretty clear and he didn't have much trouble. It's hard getting used to letting my baby teenager drive in bad weather. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about.

It was a busy week, so not much stitching got done. I had a few appointments, a little medical procedure, and some days of feeling pretty blah. I had a few things to crochet, I make cross bookmarks for people who are having children dedicated or who are being baptized at our church and have already given them to the Pastor's wife. Next time I will take better pictures! So there really isn't much to share this week.
I was able to work a wee bit on my old SAL...
I started a new project...a wedding sampler for my physical therapist who is getting married soon (I won't have it done in time but wanted to get it started so she could see it). Can't see much, I know, but I hope to work on it more this weekend.
So...that's all there is that's fit to print. I hope you all have a Happy and Blessed Easter, and remember the true meaning of our Lord's sacrifice. Our sins have been washed away and we are joint heirs with Jesus. Hallelujah! It doesn't mean we are perfect, for we never can be, but it does mean He has redeemed our lives and we can live eternally in heaven. Yesterday was the anniversary of Tyler's death. His parents placed a sign by his grave site. Such sadness and such hope all at the same time. A young lady who knew Tyler wrote this about him if you care to visit her website. We miss you Tyler, but know that one day we will worship side by side again.
Hi folks!
It's been crazy here at Chez DJ. I haven't been home much lately, and I've lost track if I'm coming or going, but here I am at the present!
Last weekend, after my last posting, Astrid, DH, DS and a friend Mrs.
T traveled to western Maryland to see Casting Crowns in concert! What a
lovely evening, so much fun!! I thought I would share a few photos of
our fun. This was their Accoustic Tour.

I've had something to do every day this week, starting with Monday and a trip out with Ms. M. Ms. M and I met on jury duty. She did not have to sit on a jury like I did, but the time that we did spend together, we seemed to strike a chord. We have had so many similar experiences, lived in similar places around the world, that we just seemed to immediately hit it off. As irritating as jury duty was, I'm so glad we were in the same place at the same time and found each other. She has been a source of light and humor and I'm so glad we're friends. She was my chemo companion, and with her delightful sense of humor, we laughed our way through some of my most trying moments. She accompanied me twice last week, once she waited in the waiting room while I had more uncomfortable tests on Tuesday. Afterward we spent the afternoon laughing and giggling. She's a blessing!! Everyone should have a friend like the marvelous Ms. M!! If only I could get her addicted to stitching like I am! LOL
Here is the little bit of stitching I did accomplish this week. Not nearly enough, let me tell you!!
The old SAL is coming along, I finally have given the poor romantic guy a face! Not much left now, just a few flowers/plants in the background!
I worked a few more stars on One Nation. Slowly I'm working my way through the star field...how are you coming along, Astrid? She and I started this more than a year ago...
I finished up the wording on Friendship Blooms on Tuesday, the SAL I am doing with Babs and Mouse. That sure was slow going for those letters, when you are stitching on 40 ct over one!! The rest should be more fun now!
My cousins who live in Pennsylvania and Baltimore came down for breakfast on their way to Washington on Friday. What a pleasure to see them. As always, they give my chuckle muscles quite a workout. That humor gene must run in the family...did I say run? Should be gallop, don't you think? Even the manager of the restaurant came by to have a chuckle with us. These ladies are at least 10 years older, and were headed to ride the segways on a tour of Washington. Not much holds our family back!
DH decided to surprise me with a quick trip to Gettysburg on Friday night. We got there in time to take in a nighttime walking tour of the town. Here we are with our tour guide.

We spent the night in a local B&B called the Raphael Inn. The breakfast the next morning was out of this world, banana bread french toast. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but it was so sweet, nothing else was needed, syrup would have definitely ruined it!! I wish I had taken a picture of the fruit dish and the french toast, it was almost too pretty to eat! I must say, the decor was a bit...overdone, shall we say? But the bed was the most amazing, comfortable bed I've ever slept in. I almost needed a ladder to climb in, but you sank into a cushion of warmth and comfort that felt like you were sleeping on a cloud. The proprietors, Alexandra and George were so kind, it was a pleasure meeting them. When we asked how they found the name of their home, they told us that it means "God heals". I hope we are able to go back again one day, it was wonderfully fun.

Yesterday we took a bus tour of the battlefield, learned a little history and nearly got blown away by the wind. We didn't realize that it was the 150th anniversary of the battle this year, and there were so many tourists, I was surprised by the number as it's usually quiet this time of year. I heard a story of a young lady who was responsible for a local cemetery and the internment of 91 of the soldiers who died there in the month after the battle as well as 14 civilians. She was 6 months pregnant at the time and the graves were dug in the rockiest part of the cemetery. And they say women are the weaker sex. Hmmmph!
I couldn't resist taking this photo of Abe and DH. DH couldn't help but turn the unsuspecting president into an Orioles fan. I'm sure he would have found that funny! Oh...and oddly enough, Abner Doubleday, the man people hold responsible for making baseball so famous, fought in the battle of Gettysburg. How fitting that Abe should be wearing a baseball cap, right?
The cemetery is right next to the National Cemetery where Lincoln gave the famous Gettysburg address. While hiking through the cemetery we came across a gentleman dressed in period clothing. We stopped to ask where Lincoln had given his speech, and though it is not clearly marked anywhere in the cemetery, he showed us where it might have been located, the highest ground in the area. Oddly enough there was a gravestone with our last name there...gave me goosebumps! He kindly let us take his picture too. I loved it that he was smoking an cigar, completely in character!
There are really some stunning artwork scattered on the battlefield from the different states and units that fought there. This is the Virginia Memorial. I love that they showed there were people from all stations of life that fought here.
There is also a woman buried in Evergreen cemetery who is the only civilian killed during the battle of Gettysburg named Jennie Wade. She was shot in the back baking biscuits while the battle was going on, and is honored in the cemetery with a flag that flies continually. She is one of only two women honored that way, the other is Betsy Ross. Here is where she is honored, and the house she was killed.
Here are some shots of battlefields....
Our tour guide who was so wonderfully informative...
The sight of one of the famous battle areas, the Devil's Den as seen from the Little Round Top.
Last, but not least, we found signs of spring there. These were in the front yard of the place we stayed. It was downright chilly, but it was heartwarming to see these peeking out, a reason to hope for better days!
Well, if you aren't a history/civil war buff I'm sure this bored you to tears. Having had a relative fight in the Civil War, this stuff has always fascinated me. I found a historical novel based on Elizabeth Thorn (who by the way, named her child Rose...cute eh? Rose Thorn LOL) that I am itching to read. I'll let you know if it's any good! Till then, keep yourself in stitches! *Hugs*
Um...did someone mention a stash diet? It never fails...whenever I say I'm going to do something that I know will be really good for me, but very hard to do...I always fall, crash, burn and totally mess up. Nashville Market will be the death of me every year.
I knew it would be bad to look online, but when the Wasatch newsletter showed up in my inbox, I couldn't resist the temptation to look. And when they said I should preorder, my fingers had a mind of their own. I preordered Needleworker, Nantucket Girl's sampler and something that was on the clearance page. As if THAT wasn't bad enough, I hopped, skipped, and jumped to The Stitching Post today and bought Winter Quakers (with the Valdani threads), and Orchard Valley Quilting Bee along with the threads and fabric for both. Someone save me from myself!! I think I desperately need an intervention. Please don't volunteer...let me wallow in my self destruction pity. I'm blaming my son, who absolutely NEEDED to go to the comic book store today to get the newest edition of The Walking Dead. It just happens to be in the same shopping center as my LNS. Ok, but that's it...I'm NOT buying anything for for a while. *shhhh voices in my head...I'm not listening* *fingers in ears chanting "safe place, safe place, safe place"*.
Here is the scene of the crime. *hanging head in shame*
After all that carnage, I have a confession to make. I barely got any stitching done this week...at all. I didn't work on Friendship Blooms, I didn't work on anything on several days. I've been a baaaaad, baaaaaad, blogging needleworker. Here is what I did accomplish...
My progress on the old SAL. I really want to finish this, it feels like I've been stitching in slow motion lately.
My progress on Christmas Quaker Bellpull.
My progress on Sweet Flowers. I'm on the last two sections...I should be done with this by now.
One of the reasons I couldn't stitch last Saturday was because I was attending a wedding. I came home with the centerpiece from one of the tables. It was so pretty, still is as a matter of fact, and smells wonderful!! Since I don't have permission from the Bride and Groom, I won't post any pictures here. She was beautiful though, it was a lot of fun at the reception as well. I'm so glad I'm friends with the Bride's mother!!
Last but not least, let me wish you all a Happy St. Patrick's day! After all, the Irish in me loves to come out and play! I enjoyed one of these cookies today! Wish I had one for all of you! May the luck of the Irish be with you!
And that, as they say, is that! Hope you had a great week, and will have a week full of spring weather coming up! *Hugs*