Hi there fellow stitchers!
I had someone on Facebook ask me what snew today. LOL An old joke, but still gave me a chuckle today. I'll tell you what's new though...SNOW!! But before the weather got too bad, I had some stitching buddies over for the day.
Sonya and Astrid came over yesterday morning but as soon as they saw the first flake they hightailed it to their prospective homes. I'm so glad they came over for a few hours. It was fun spending time with other women, especially stitchers. Thank you ladies, it was the perfect ending of my week and I enjoyed every minute of it!! And it was even more special since it was the anniversary of the day Astrid and I first met. We have made time for each other nearly once a week ever since as we made fast friends the first time we met! And just look what Astrid brought me!!
I love orchids, but she specifically picked this one as it has five petals and is purple in color. Wasn't she thoughtful? I had such a crazy week I didn't have time to find her a gift, but I hope to find something before the next time we meet. Thank you so much, Astrid, I truly love the orchid!!
Sonya and Alice had kept me out too late the night before, we nearly didn't have anything for lunch the next day. She and Alice and I went to see Silver Linings Playbook. I don't know if we irritated anyone before or after the movie with our laughter, but I have to say, I dearly love my friends. I guess we have enough in common with marriages/kids/etc that sharing our experiences help make our own lives feel less chaotic and abnormal.
Thank you all so very much for including me in your get togethers. The time we spend together means more than you'll ever know!! You keep me sane...ok maybe not sane, but close enough for government work! LOL
So what have I been doing this week stitchwise? First up is Friendship Blooms. These are the most recent blocks I have finished. I think I'm a wee bit ahead of the others, but I know in the weeks to come I won't have as much time to stitch on this so I'm sure the others will catch up to me. Babs, Mouse and I are working on this as a stitch-a-long. It's always so much fun even though we live far apart to encourage one another as we work on the same project. The pictures I've seen of their stitching puts my stitching to shame. Check out their blogs by clicking on their names!

I've been working on Winter's Majesty more frequently, and I really love how it's coming together, but I really need to start some sort of rotation. I dearly want to work on some WIPs I started last year, and I need to get motivated on One Nation, the SAL I started with Astrid last year. I love the pattern, and can't wait to get it finished and up on my wall, but I have a mental block about stitching it! Any suggestions?
Ok, I guess that's all the news for now. I think next week I'm going to try to stitch on something different each day and see how that works. Keep your fingers crossed! Til then keep smiling and stitching!! *Hugs*
I wish you could see how beautiful it is here today! The sun is shining, the sky is such a lovely shade of blue. After the past few grey days, it sure is a breath of fresh air!
I'm anticipating a quiet day of stitching. The boys are going to the Orioles Fan Fest, and I've decided to just relax and stitch today. There is so much I should be doing around here, I still haven't taken my tree down, but after the week I've had I would just rather sit and contemplate my navel while I stitch.
I do have a little progress to show you, so without further ado, here is Winter's Majesty
and a close up so you can kind of see how many color changes there are.
The confetti stitches are driving me insane. What I mean by confetti stitches is that there are tiny spots of different colors that make up the design, so starting and stopping all those stitches really make for slow going. I do like the effect so I guess I shouldn't complain! There will be outlining when I'm through the cross stitching, and that should really define things then. I can't wait to see the final product!!
Tuesdays I'm having a stitch a long with Mouse and Babs. I'm afraid I had far too much time on Tuesday and finished a few blocks. I know that next Tuesday I will be busy, so won't get as much done, so please don't be too hard on me ladies. Here is a close up of my progress.
I was lucky enough to catch my pal Alice on a day when she had some free time and we got together to stitch. I pulled out one of my "crazies" from last year that I didn't get to finish and took that to stitch. The others that I have right now are too big for a "traveling project" and this one is a little smaller. So here is my progress on Matter's Choice by Carriage House Samplings. I may have to work some kind of rotation because I had forgotten how much fun this is to stitch on!!
I can't remember if I shared about the lottery tickets I got for Christmas. I like to get the smaller denomination tickets, the ones that cost one or two dollars. I won nearly $60.00 on three one dollar tickets!! I now have a nest egg for a needlework stand! How cool is that??
So there you have it! I don't expect as much progress next week as I have a ton of Doctors appointments but I'm hoping that will slow down soon. I'll leave you with a picture of Tom, doing what I need to do more of! Have a great day!
Hi there blogging pals! It's a new year, and I'm turning over a new leaf. Let's see how far into the year I can keep this resolution...LOL I'm hoping I can blog more often, I sort of lost steam for a while there. As long as I have progress on projects I will try to do an update at least once a week.
Call me crazy, and I know some of you already do...LOL...but I started a Heaven and Earth design. I have Tricia over at The Stamper's Stitches to blame for this one who posted her start of The Little Drummer Boy's Stocking. I have to remember to keep DH away from the computer when I'm strolling through the internet. The Little Drummer Boy is his favorite Christmas Carol, and Tricia had her progress of her project posted on her blog when I was passing by. I saw the look on DH's face, so off through the internet my fingers wandered until I found a place I could download it. Just so there is no confusion...here is where I bought the pattern. Thanks, Tricia, for clarifying that!! I started it a couple of days ago, after buying most of the floss I needed at Hobby Lobby (there are 90 DMC colors in this piece!!!) After checking Tricia's blog she is progressing much more rapidly than I am, and in a more organized manner, and I think I may be blubbering by the time I'm finished with the pieces I've chosen this year. I wonder if I'll get them finished in this calendar year, what do you think? Here's my progress so far. It's stitched on 25 ct over one!

I finally had a stitch day with Astrid last Thursday. We've been trying to get together since a week or more before Christmas...and between us we were just too busy. Hopefully we'll be more regular now that the holidays are over. I was able to give her her gift too...and in her words she was expecting/hoping I would make her a scarf too... and thankfully I didn't disappoint her. Here is a picture of the scarf I made, from yarn called Diva...I have really found a fascination for the yarn with sequins...LOL.

We were able to watch the season opener for Downton Abbey that she had DVR'd since I was at the hockey game with the boys when it was on. Who is NOT breathing a sigh of relief that Mary and Matthew finally got married...but I do see sparks flying in their future don't you? I have a guess that there's a sleeper waiting to save Downton, does anyone else share my suspicions? I can hardly wait for Sunday night!! And those of you in England who already know what has happened, please don't spoil it for your American cousins...LOL A cryptic comment on my last post has me guessing that we'll be watching it again next Monday together.
I've been trying to think of a way to put my stitching goals up for this year. I have a few pieces I want to start this year but I'm also hoping to finish the others that I had started last year and didn't finish. I think for now I'll put a list of the recent starts in the side bar...hopefully I can revamp things a little so I can organize and keep up with my hoped for progress...so watch this space!! LOL
Ok, off to get some stitching done. It's been a crazy week with not a lot of stitching getting done, but I'm afraid DH has plans to get some work done around the house. *sigh* I love having him home but I have a hard time keeping up with his pace. Wish me luck!
Hi blogging buddies!
I've been a busy lady lately! I've still found time to get some stitching in though, so let's start there.
First up is Friendship Blooms by Blue Ribbon Designs. Mouse sent me this pattern some time back and said she wanted to have a SAL this year. I'm thrilled to stitch this, as I truly love Blue Ribbon Designs patterns, and as I go along I've found that I love the little patterns that lend themselves to being perfect smalls!! Once I'm through with this, I just might make a few little things, like scissor fobs or needle books, my mind is reeling with all the things I've been thinking. So without further ado, let me show you my progress and show you the small "box" that has been my favorite so far.

I've also been glued to the kit my dear husband gave me for my birthday last year. I have had my eye on this beauty for a few years, and now that the crazy challenge from last year is behind us, I'm making this a priority this year! I have a hard time putting this away at night, and I'm truly losing sleep over it, but I love how it's coming out, even though it's on the dreaded aida cloth!! So here is my progress on Winter's Majesty!
My guys have been going through hockey withdrawal since the negotiations have gone on for so long. Last Sunday they got tickets to the farm team for the Washington Capitols, the Hershey Bears. It was a long haul up to Hershey, PA, but the game was exciting even if we did lose. The good news is that the NHL came to a tentative agreement and there WILL be a hockey season after all. I'm sure I'll have a quiet evening soon if the guys can get tickets to see the Caps play. Let's Go Caps!! My son brought a friend along with him to the game, it was a fun evening.

My husband always jokes about Thomas who he calls a demon with fur, but I honestly think deep down they have a real love hate relationship. For Christmas he bought Thomas this cat condo, which he seems to enjoy. We find him running up the stairs, sleeping on the top platform, and scratching the living daylights out of (so many scratching posts, so little time) and FINALLY leaving my furniture alone!! We should have gotten one ages ago! After starting off incorrectly, figuring out our mistake, and finally starting in the right place, we put it all together in about 15 minutes. All of us breathed a sigh of relief and after a few minutes of sniffing and exploring, Tom settled in like he owned it...and I guess you could say he does! LOL
So...I guess that's all the news for tonight. I hope you all are enjoying the lull after the holidays and getting lots of stitching done! Till next time...