Hi folks!!
Well I'm still without my laptop. We got a call from the Geek Squad that it was back, with a new hard drive and could we please bring in the recovery disks so they could load the operating system. Recovery disks? Things that make you go Hmmmm. LOL So...a quick check on the manufacturers website tells us the Recovery Programs are FREE!! Wohooo....but wait...there's more. It costs $30.00 to ship disks and $40.00 to ship a memory stick. *sigh* We shoulda just bought a new computer!! Oh well, now we have to wait for them to be shipped to us. Hopefully I'll get it soon...because I got some incredible news!
Our church was having a "contest" of sorts...and were going to give away a new i-pad 2....guess who won!?!?!? Yep...and I'm going to buy a hot pink cover so DS doesn't have the nerve to "borrow" it from me. I have wanted an i-pad for ages, I can't believe I actually WON one!! Now I really need to get the computer home so I can play with MY new toy!! LOL
So....I realized I'm late for the TSUL this month (if you are wondering what that is, please visit this website), but I'm going to throw a picture on just to show you I have been stitching. I used a hot pink background for Valentine's day. Not as much thread there as last month, but then I've been a wee bit busy.
I did manage to finish another crazy...the January Cottage from Little House Needleworks. What a fun stitch! I've joined the SAL so I should get going on February though I don't think I'll finish it this month. I need to send Mouse her March pattern too...WHEN will I get my act together? Not anytime soon because I'm about to get a wee bit busy... Why? you ask....well...

I have a surgery date. March 23rd. UGH!!! Part of me is glad it's so far away because I have a stitch weekend coming up...can't wait!!! Part of me just wants it to be over. I've been struggling with sleeplessness again which is making my days very long and torturous. Because even though I may only work two days a week, the rest of the week Mom's taxi is on the road carting DS to and fro. Last Wed I had to work and was so tired (after only 4 hours of sleep) that I felt ill. I had to drive DS to youth group and I was supposed to have a Bible study that night too, but I was too tired to stay, I was really too tired to drive, but I did it anyway. I came hope and let DH pick DS up, and was in bed very early for me. I have to work again tomorrow, let's hope I can get some good sleep tonight.
I just have to give you a giggle...I had to clean the house today as DS was having someone over to interview him for an internship he has applied to. I was a whirling dervish as I ran between levels in my townhouse, vacuuming, dusting, sorting, throwing away, piling, folding laundry, etc. I finished before 11:30 and popped a note up on facebook that my house was clean, and anyone without an appointment could stop by TODAY only, who knows what it would look like tomorrow...since I live with two manly men and a cat...nuff said! LOL Minutes later, a guy from our church who knew I won the i-pad messaged saying...i-pads are great, but I didn't know they had an app for that! ROTFL If only they did have an app for housework!!!
I just wanted to update you on Tyler. He is improving little bits here and there, but the improvements are beginning to add up. His oxygen levels are slowly moving in the right direction, the level they have to set the oscillator is moving down and hopefully they will be able to place him on a regular ventilator soon (they tried for half a day but he couldn't tolerate it just yet). There are other signs that he is beginning to "recover". We are celebrating that he is still here, because last week at this time they didn't expect him to make it through the weekend. The Doctor told his parents that he had gone beyond the brink but something had pulled him back. I have no doubt in my mind that it is the power of prayer, and the mercy of God. Thank you for your prayers but please keep praying...he has a long way to go, but I'm rejoicing that it isn't God's will that Tyler leave us just yet.
Oh...I realized after I posted last time that I had made a mistake. I called Aury TM's pattern Snow Pretty when it should have been Too Pretty. So sorry about that!
Last is a picture of "Gar" and Tom lying in the sun on either side of the glass. They look so peaceful, but a few minutes before this Tom was dancing on his tip toes hissing on his side of the glass, and Gar was rubbing his head in a friendly manner on his side. Silly cats!! I think Tom would eat Gar alive if I ever let him in. Poor Gar is doing everything he can to be friends, to include bringing little gifts of dead field mice to the back door. I think we were up to 5 on our last count. I'm all for making friends, but honestly...dead mice that WE have to clean up...UGH!! *rolling eyes heavenward*
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi friends and fellow stitchers!
I know it's been a while since I've updated, but my laptop decided to take a vacation without me, and I haven't even received a post card! We'll see how gently I treat it when it returns! LOL I have missed keeping up on my blog, reading e-mails and chatting with friends. I do have a dinosaur in the basement, and am using that at the moment, but it takes forever and doesn't always do what I ask it to do (like print from a PDF file, what's up with that???). Anyway, I have a little block of time so thought I would do my best to get things updated and let inquiring minds know what I'm up to.
So...here are some pics for you! First off are two pieces from Angie Designer. We have a limited time to stitch the sections of the pattern she sends out and when we send in a picture, she sends the next piece on a predetermined day. Here are Sweet Flowers...
And Lavender Blue
I am stitching both on 32 count over one and have changed the colors and fibers to silk threads of my choice.
Here is also Marquoir Yvonne Richer. I have to admit, I was a little shocked when I saw my colors used by someone else on the blog I found this on. http://clarelis.canalblog.com/ There is a link to the pictures people have been sending in. I've been trying to get the second piece of this pattern, but haven't had any luck yet. But I've been stitching this over one as well, and will probably change the pattern up a wee bit as well. I love the letters on this one!!
I had a couple of finishes also, I finished Snow Pretty from Aury TM.
I also finished You can touch the dust...from Lizzie Kate.
I had a stitch date with Astrid and Denise, last week and that's how I got so much done on Lizzie Kate. What an enjoyable day I had with these ladies!! Can't wait to get together again...but it probably should be at my house, and that may take a while with all I have going on. But we'll get to that later.
I also had a stitch date last week with my pals from when I worked at my LNS. It was long overdue, ladies, and it has made me nostalgic for the days I worked with you. I miss all of you!! I hope we can do that again when everyone can come!! This is what I worked on that day...This is The Three Wise Men from Blackberry Lane and is being stitched on 36 ct over one. Yes, I think I'll be completely insane by the time I finish this one. I've never seen so many confetti stitches on such a small piece before. I worked for hours and only got this far. *sigh* But I believe it will be an amazing piece once it's done. Pictures never do them justice!!!
Someone asked me how I was keeping my UCJC (ultimate crazy January challenge) pieces organized. Here are a couple of pictures to show you what I did.
Each set of threads for each pattern has it's own little box, and they fit into a large box with a handle. I found this at Michael's and is actually a photo storage box. I was walking through Michael's one day with DH and he asked if I thought that would work for my threads. What a genius idea!! I've been working with this system for a couple of years now and it really does work well.
The patterns have been copied and then placed in document protectors which I file in a notebook. Only the challenge pieces are in this notebook, so if I'm headed to a retreat and want more than one project I take my notebook and the box of separate boxes of thread. (I hope that makes sense!).
Last is a picture of the pieces I am working on. If they aren't currently in progress, they are taken off the q-snaps and folded and kept in this box. And that is how I'm keeping things straight. Would love to see how you are organizing your challenge pieces!
And on a final note, for those who have been wondering, I finally have insurance approval and am now waiting on a date for surgery. Because of the holiday I haven't been able to reach either clinic, but hopefully tomorrow I will have more news. Whew...if you've made it this far you are a trooper! Thanks for visiting, and if it isn't too much trouble, I would love for you to leave a comment....except you, Astrid, unless you promise not to make a weird comment...LOL!!! You know I'm only kidding!! *Hugs*
Oh, I nearly forgot! Tyler was very critical toward the end of last week and they gave him very little hope. I've been asking for prayers for him here and on facebook, and I just wanted to let you know that he is showing signs of improvement. Our God is a big God, bigger than Leukemia...and bigger than breast cancer. We are still subject to His will, and I keep praying that His will is that Tyler will live. He is still on the ventilator and dialysis, but they are working. His oxygen levels are going up, showing that his lungs are beginning to do their job again, and he has been losing weight showing that his capillaries are not leaking anymore and the swelling from the fluid in his body is going down. All positive signs! Please continue to pray for him if you do pray. It truly is a miracle that he is still with us today!
Hi Folks! Just a tiny update as I have very little time this morning. I hope to update with pictures soon, but for now I just wanted to let you know I'm alive and kicking. I have been a bit under the weather, but am finally feeling better. I've been stitching merrily away, but my laptop crashed and I hesitate to try anything too difficult on the ancient dinosaur we have hidden in the basement. I've already messed up the printer using it so hopefully my blog won't blow up too! LOL
I would like to ask for prayers for Tyler today though. He is having complications due to the bone marrow transplant and his organs are beginning to fail. He was placed on a special ventilator called an oscillator and a special kind of dialysis called CRRT earlier this week and if he doesn't receive a miracle, they haven't given him much hope of living past Monday. The last word last night was the next 48 hours are critical. His parents are clinging to hope as we all are, and my son is so sad, the whole thing is breaking my heart and I feel helpless to help anyone. Please pray for this boy, his parents and the youth group he and his friends belong to. I still hope for a miracle! Our God is able, it's a matter of His will and what is ultimately for His glory.
Last thing I want to mention, I've been getting some strange and inappropriate posts to my blog. I've removed them, and hope I don't get any more. They weren't "bad" exactly, odd, and from places I really don't want to be associated with, and on older posts. I wonder if anyone else has been having similar problems?
Hopefully my laptop will be back from the doc's soon and I'll be able to update with pictures. See you soon!!
Hi Everyone!
Well, I'm sorry to report that I haven't done enough stitching to take a picture. I have just been too busy. I don't know what happened...my life is out of control!! LOL The sermon this week at church was on rest and I'm feeling sorely convicted! I'm going to try and schedule more of that into my life, so either I work less (but I'm only working 2 - 3 days a week as it is) or stop meeting up with friends. Well that's an easy choice...goodbye work, hello friends! LOL
Carolyn mentioned in a comment yesterday that I she missed my blogging. Thank you Carolyn! It's nice to know I've been missed. The good news is that I've been too busy! Nothing bad to report except I think I'm suffering from stitching withdrawal. Work has kept me hopping, lots to do there and I guess that's a good thing, except we are falling a bit behind deadlines. I did work 3 days last week, then had a busy weekend. I am TIRED!!
Sunday there was a big sale at my LNS and the ladies I stitched with the Sunday before made plans to meet up at a pizza place to chat then head over to the sale together. What a blast! Astrid, Danielle, Denise, Jill and I had fun discussing our plans for the rest of the day and decided to meet up again next Sunday at Astrid's house. What a treat to be able to meet up with other stitchers and share our passion. They are even talking about having our own little retreat. Any chance to get out with other ladies is a treat for me. I live with all males, even our cat is a male! LOL
I mostly picked up some fabric and threads for some patterns I had bought before, however I did pick up the 6 fat men Lizzie Kate patterns that Danielle was working on the other day. I've seen them on other people's blogs and fell in love with the cute little snowmen. As you can tell, I have a thing for them...a couple of my crazies are snowmen. As Denise suggested, I destroyed the sales receipt so I left no paper trail for DH to find. I remember someone telling me her secret for her addiction to Polish Pottery when we lived in Germany. She hid them in her car and brought them in one at a time, a few days apart, so her husband wouldn't catch wind of her purchases. You can learn a lot from addicted women! *wink*
Yesterday I met up with Gillie in DC. What a treat to see my dear friend again! Thank you so much for taking time out of your visit with your family to see me...even if you did try to get me addicted to beads now. You have perfected the art form of enabling! LOL I must say at one point I was starting to gather a collection of beads, but then I remembered the state of my checking account after the LNS sale the day before and put them all back except one (that one was only 25 cents...I thought I could afford that LOL) Gillie treated me to a Mocha Frappuccino...word to the wise, never offer to treat me at Starbucks, I only like the expensive stuff...rotlf. Then she took me to her daughter's restaurant just off Dupont Circle. Mmmm...what delicious burgers! The lunch was yummy! If you ever get the chance, check out Black and Orange for some gourmet burgers! It was a fun day, and I was sad to leave. I wish you lived closer, Gilllie, there are so many LNS within driving distance to explore!
Ok, lastly...because I know there are some of you who check up on me...on the health front I haven't received a surgery date yet. We are still waiting on insurance approval I guess. I would love to have this all put behind me so the waiting is torture. I hope I hear from them soon! The numb thumb is still giving me a little bit of trouble. I really noticed it when I was trying to pick up beads yesterday. I can't tell you how frustrating it is...LOL...and I've done everything the doctor told me to do. Patience was never one of my strong suits. So it slows the stitching down a bit, and I've been told not to do as much of it...no worries there, I haven't been home long enough to work on it lately!
Ok, time to get off this machine and get ready for chauffeur duties tonight. DS is off to Baketball practice and if I'm lucky I'll get a bit of stitching in while he's there. Tootles!